Monday, March 24, 2008

that was a rough break.

well, midterms and spring break took their toll on me, but here i am...allow me to recap what's happened since my last post.

i think i actually did pretty well on all my midterms...i know i got a 93 on my physics test, which i never in a lifetime would've though i could've pulled out since i hadn't gone to one class since the last test, but here i am to tell the tale.

then came spring break, which started on st. patty's day this year. i chose to celebrate st. patty's in reverse order of most people, so i started the day puking...around 7am. it was miserable. i realized it was a light case of food poisoning and went on my way.

wednesday night i did my first open mic night at hyena's in arlington. there were 38 comics who each got about 3 minutes of time. i say "about" because some people, no matter how unfunny they may have been, continued on for much longer, clinging on the microphone like i would hold on to the last copy of super smash brothers at target. anyway, out of the 38, i went 36th. the guy that went on right after me couldn't finish a joke he was so wasted, and the guy after him was just a big black guy who was pissed off about politics. and not pissed off like lewis, this guy was not pissed WITH punchlines, he was just pissed.

needless to say, it was a mixed experience. i realize that the comedy world asks you to pay certain dues, and i respect that. i just hope that it isn't like months of going dead last, because that i just can't handle. there were literally like 10 people left in the room by the time i hit the stage, and i don't know if you've ever tried your hand at stand up, but i'm sure at some point in your life, you've tried to tell a story that for whatever reason you thought was interesting, and whoever you were telling it to basically acted like you were a complete idiot for trying to tell it....well, that's about what comedy in a room of ten people is like. it's actually almost more awkward at that point to hear someone audibly laugh because although you know you finally reached someone, it really only confirms that the mic really is on, and they really can hear you. they're just not laughing.

the good news is, i was actually fairly comfortable up there, and i know when it comes time to do the prophet bar shows, i won't have to go on so late...which will be great, because then i'll at least get SOME feedback, hopefully good.

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