Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ok, so it's been a few days since the last post, and I've been doing my best to infiltrate the online community to make my presence known. I don't know that friendfeed or socialthing seem to really help out the cause as much as I expected, but I'm still rolling along.

I love that socialthing automatically loads in your friends from other accounts and allows you to respond directly, rather than creating a new tier of communication, but I hate that as of right now it only supports 3 services I actually use. friendfeed on the other hand offers an amazing amount of accounts, but doesn't load anyone in automatically, so I'm looking at a whole night of loading my friends in. Not excited about that. I suppose the largest difference is that friendfeed offers you a chance to meet new people with similar interests, which is really what I was looking for in the first place, but it offers no GOOD way of digging through least not that I've seen.

Anyway, I'm still enjoying me.dium, although I haven't really been able to convince my close friends of it's greatness just yet. However, I did watch the new video that me.dium put out, and noticed that 1) they seem to have a much more awesome facebook interface coming and 2) towards the end, you can see my blog's name on the friends map! check the video at about 2:06 and you'll see that someone was on my blog when the video was made! Thanks me.dium!

forgot i was going to embed the bad.

One of the Many Uses for Me.dium from Peter Nocchiero on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

you're a Me.dium celebrity now. ;)

JD said...

I'll take it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brendan, just wanted to toss you a quick note from the Socialthing! camp.

We've been working for nearly two months on a massive architecture re-write so that we can easily support more services, and add them in a much more rapid pace.

We're about to release what we're calling "Socialthing! 2.0" (appropriate eh?) and we'll be adding back in, Digg, and YouTube immediately, with impending support of many more services. Hopefully we'll win you back over with all the services we're adding...and the unique ways we'll interact with them!

Thanks for being using ST!

-Matt Galligan

Daniel said...

Are you missing?